Every file stored directly on DSP has three numbers in form of XX/YY/ZZ that describe download statistics.
- XX - total downloads count since first upload to DSP
- YY - downloads count of the latest upload to DSP
- ZZ - last weekdownloads count
DSP is a static site. All html files are created once a week (it is so called major update)
and that day my software parses Apache logs. To increase download count of certain file
downloaded bytes count must match its size. If doesn't it is assumed to be "corrupted"
download and it doesn't affect statistics at all.
In case of files that have been updated upon "major update" I simply print
statistics data in gray to indicate that these numbers refer to the previous version
of a file.
© 1995-2000 Robert M. Czerwinski ( The Delphi Super Page a.k.a. DSP ). All rights reserved. | |