Extra components for WebSnap Applications Content: -TAdapterGridEx: special grid that accepts a layout group (the next component) as a column. -TLayoutColumnGroup (TLayoutGroup descendant): can be inserted as a column in the grid and accepts TAdapterDisplayField and TLayoutGroup as childs. With these components you can really arrange however you want a record! -TSessionAdapterField: special adapter field that saves/gets the value to/from the current session. -TAutoUpdateAdapterAction: AdapterAction that calls Adapter.UpdateRecords(AActionRequest) when executing. -TConfirmAdapterActionButton: special action button which asks for confirmation before executing Calendar Components -TCalendarAction: special action to generate a monthly calendar. Because it is a descendant of TCustomPagedAdapterAction, it must be used with a PagedAdapter descendant. -TCalendarActionButton: the action button descendant to use with TCalendarAction. -TCalendarActionGroup: a command group that allows only TCalendarActionButton as childs.