Stream Classes



This class library provides some classes that can be used to extend the functionality of Delphi's TStream classes.

Some demo programs are also included in the download.

A user guide is included - PJStreams_Guide.pdf


The classes depend on method overloading and are therefore only compatible with Delphi 4 to 7 and later. They been tested on Delphi 4, 6 and 7.


Simply extract the files from the zip file and store in the required location on your hard disk. Once compiled, if the .dcu files are placed in a folder on your Delphi search path then the .pas files are not required - simply use the units as required.

The demo files are stored in the Demos sub-folder - open the .bpg file in Delphi to compile and examine the demos.

Known Issues

No bugs or other issues have been reported to date.

Update History

Release 2.0.1 of 23 November 2003
v2.0.1 of 22 November 2003

Release 2.0 of 30 September 2001
v2.0 of 29 September 2001

Release 1.0 of 02 July 2000
v1.0 of 26 March 2000

License & Disclaimer

This component is copyright © P.D.Johnson, 2000-2003.

The source code and help file can be freely distributed on a not-for-profit basis providing that:

  1. The source code is not altered.
  2. This readme file is distributed with it unchanged.

By not-for-profit I mean that you may recover out of pocket expenses incurred in distributing the code, but should not make a profit from this.

If you discover any bugs in this implementation, or if you have any update suggestions, please contact me via my website.

Please do modify the code for you own use. I'd like to see any changes you make - I could incorporate them into future versions. Please notify me of changes on at the above e-mail address.

This software is provided as is - no warranty is given as to its suitability for any purposes to which you may wish to put it.

About the Author

I'm Peter Johnson - a hobbyist programmer living in Ceredigion in West Wales, UK. I write mainly in Delphi. My programs are available for download on my web-site:

I can be contacted via the website.