This component is shareware. As soon as a few folks have paid for it (or ordered the source code), then I'll be able to pay Jan Goyvaerts for his fabulous HelpScribble program which you can download at I'll accept just about anything in payment except fresh eggs, which our chickens produce plenty of, or fresh bread, which my wife does better than anyone in the world. Contact me at or visit my primitive web site at Or you can even call me at (USA) (417)-924-3046 (if it's busy, I'm probably on line). Brandon Smith Synature This version is for Delphi 3 only. If you wish to use other than the default palette entry, edit synwinfreg.pas and specify the palette you want. To install, click on Component|Install Component. If you are using your own palette entry then select synwinfreg.pas, otherwise use synwinf.dcu. TsynFormInfSaver: The form information saver component remembers the position and size of a form, including all internal controls (such as splitter bars). Once it is dropped on a form, no further programming is required. Each time the form is destroyed, the size and position of the form and of each control will be stored. Each time the form is activated, if information is stored, the form will be shown in the previous place and position. There are a number of properties and procedures available to change various aspects of runtime behavior. Properties CheckBounds Default true. Shifts form into view if partially off screen. Enabled Default true. Master on/off switch. HowToSave Default is to save to an ini file. Other choice is to use the Registry. IniChoice Default is to use the application name. Can use any name. iniName The actual ini file name. RegKey The registry key. RegRootKey Default is the local machine section RestoreAuto Default true. RestoreInternals Default true. StandardFont Special design time switch. WindowStateOverRide Does not work with main form. WindowStateRemember Does not work with main form. WindowStateWillBe Does not work with main form. Methods create destroy RestoreToOriginalDesign WinRestore WinSave WipeOutIniEntries WipeOutRegistryEntries