{ ASMetr Component 1.3 Copyright c 1998 Andrey Abakumov (aga@novoch.ru) The ASMetr this Scale of measurement of a type "speedmetr". Many thanks: Ali Butaev behind component TWave E-mail: alee@datacom.ru Alistair George for help me E-mail: bigal@xtra.co.nz and other. Properties: Position - current position on the switch; Sliding - scale Max - maximum value (up to 270) (Min - allways zero); PrintValues - to print or not print values AttenZonePos - "Zone of attention"; DangerZonePos - "Dangerous zone"; AttenZoneColor - Colour of a "zone of attention"; DangerZoneColor - Colour of a "dangerous zone"; SoundType - disabled playing if SoundType=wssNone of a sound at switching, enabled and (SoundType=wssExe) to keep in EXE the file, enabled and (SoundType=wssWav) to keep in Wav the file, AttenZoneSound - choice of a sound file or sound resource for want of reaching of a zone of attention DangerZoneSound - choice of a sound file or sound resource for want of reaching of a zone of danger OverflowSound - choice of a sound file or sound resource for want of reaching of overflow ResourceType - type of a resource if SoundType=wssExe WaveOptions - woSync - The sound is played synchronously and the function does not return until the sound ends. woNoDefault - If the sound can't be found, the function returns silently without playing the default sound. woLoop - The sound will continue to play repeatedly. woNoStop - If a sound is currently playing, the function will immediately return FALSE without playing the requested sound. How to make *.WAV in resource? Create file filename.rc For example: CLICK WAVE filename.wav - CLICK is resource name, WAVE is your filetype, plus filename To create *.res file (brcc32 filename.rc) In Object Inspector, AASwitcher properties must be defined as follows: CLICK WAVE ^^^ - you must specify ResourceType property ^^^^^ - you must specify ResourceName. Also select sound type eg WssEXE To include resource in our EXE place after {$R *.DFM} //{$R yourresourcefilename.res} <---Insert the following without the comments(//) I take no responsibility for any losses suffered resulting from use or misuse of this code.It is freeware, with source code, and so you use (and maintain) it at your own risk.