AboutReg preliminary notes ========================== I don't know whether this code would give any worth for you, in fact it's practically useless in Windows95/98 platform, since they allways give you full access to their registry. Because of improperly set Delphi's default access in registry handling (which is KEY_ALL_ACCESS), you might then get unexpected result when dealing with NT's registry. I faced that problem by myself in practice. This program shows you the registry keys accesibility, it checks 3 different permission for the key: READ, READ-WRITE, and ALL-ACCESS (of course you can expand the list with adding new access check in the code). I just want to show you that you should not use delphi's registry unit in NT's platform. I suggest you then to replace any reference to Registry unit with the patched version (RegistrA.pas) which acompanied with this distribution code. Actually, it doesn't do so much, just provides an access option when opening a key, which will inherited in further consecutive operation (read/write-etc). This code also shows you a simple technique to get the system error message. Note that RegistrA.pas itself is NOT required in this program (AboutReg). Note also that the executable (AboutReg.exe) needs VCL30.DPL for compactness reason, this code is indeed intended for a developer, not an ordinary user. regards, aa any comments send to: aa@bitsmart.com