TMessageDialog Component v1.2 for Borland Delphi Copyright © 1996, InforTech, Inc. All rights reserved. Author: Steven Costa Martins E-Mail: Home Page: Overview: TMessageDialog is a component that replace the MessageDlg function. TMessageDialog component will greatly simplify creating and maintaining message boxes in your applications. This component add a number of enhancements such as the ability to specify dialog captions, Buttons Font, Message Font, dialog screen Positions, audible Beeps, formatting Strings, Style and Color of the dialog, Buttons Glyphs, Button Style, Hints and Hint Color (Beware that the HintColor property sets the color of all hints in the application, not just the Message Dialog), Multi-line messages, Default Buttons, Minimal Width of the Dialog and the possibility to move the cursor over the button that has the focus when the Dialog is displayed. At design time, you can immediately view the dialog box by double-clicking on the component or by selecting the ShowMeNow property in the Object Inspector. New on version 1.2: ------------------- - ButtonsCaption Property: Let's you change the caption of all the buttons displayed in the dialog. - FlashTitleBar Property: Use this property to flash the Dialog TitleBar. - FlashTitleBarInterval Property. This component is Copyright of InforTech, Inc. It is being distributed as Shareware. This Shareware version will only work while Delphi IDE is running.